Based on a recipe by Stonewall Kitchen
We all love apple pie, so why not make one with delicious apples and Marina's Cranberry Chutney? This came out delicious. Enjoy!

Place and press 1 ready-to-bake pie crust in a 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom. Refrigerate 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Combine apples, raisins, sugar, flour, Cranberry Chutney and cinnamon in a bowl and mix until uniform.
Spoon into prepared shell, spreading evenly.
Cut second ready-to-bake pie crust into 1-inch wide strips for lattice topping.
Using a long, narrow spatula, carefully lift every other strip onto tart, using 5-6 strips.
Rotate pie 45 degrees. Carefully place 5-6 more strips on top (optional: weave strips).
Whisk together the egg yolk and milk or cream.
Brush the entire crust, top and edges with egg wash.
Bake tart in lower 1/3 of oven for about 1 hour until apples are tender and crust is golden brown.