based on a recipe from Curious Cuisinere
Living in the Midwest I have to say that artichokes are usually not that good....but one day I was walking through the produce section of a supermarket and there they were...the most beautiful artichokes I have seen in a long time. They were calling my name to take home and cook them up. This recipe came out so delicious. Enjoy!

4 artichokes, firm and bright in color
1 lemon, juiced and zested, divided
1 ½ c breadcrumbs
¼ c + 2 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
¼ c + 2 Tbsp Romano Cheese, finely grated
garlic powder to taste
2 tsp oregano
2 tsp fresh basil
1 tsp ground black pepper
½ tsp salt
4 tsp olive oil
2 c water
1 c Pinot Grigio wine
Preparing the Artichokes
For the Filling
For the Bath
Preheat your oven to 400F.
Using a serrated knife, cut the top quarter off of the top of the artichoke and cut off the stem to create a level base. Snip the tips from each of the leaves, removing the sharp points. Loosen the bracts and using a sharp paring knife or kitchen scissors, cut out the innermost bracts to reveal the fibrous choke. With a spoon, scrape as much of the choke fibers out of the artichoke as you can. If the artichokes are large enough cut in half.
Brush the prepared artichokes with a little lemon juice to keep them from turning grey while you prepare the filling.
In a small bowl, mix all filling ingredients and 2 tsp lemon zest until evenly moistened. Spoon the mixture into the center of the prepared artichokes. Loosen the bracts and spoon a little filling between the bracts as well.
Place the stuffed artichokes in an oven-proof baking dish. Pour the water, wine, and 2 Tbsp lemon juice into the dish and cover it tightly with aluminum foil.
Bake the artichokes for 1 hour. After one hour, remove the aluminum foil and turn your oven to broil. Broil the artichokes for 3-5 minutes, until the tops are golden.
Remove the artichokes from the oven and let stand for 5-10 minutes before serving.